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    Forum Chillout-Ecke Jay > Chuck Norris?

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     Jay > Chuck Norris?
    [WTF] Rabe
    Registrierter Benutzer
    12.02.2006 19:31


    wie geht denn sowas, das sein thread älter ist als der erste im mmm forum?

    [ zuletzt editiert: 12.02.2006 19:32 ]
    [WTF] jay
    Registrierter Benutzer
    12.02.2006 20:06

    die zeit warte auf niemadn ... ausser auf
    chuck norris

    p.s: eifach !chuck bei uns im #[wtf]-clan
    und mehr geniessen
    Registrierter Benutzer
    12.02.2006 20:59

    der cheated doch ?!
    [WTF] jay
    Registrierter Benutzer
    12.02.2006 21:18

    nö habe ich echt net
    aber währe ja ma ne idee
    [WTF] jay
    Registrierter Benutzer
    12.02.2006 21:24

    man becahte auch den inhalt

    und den erstellunge zeitpunkt
    entsprichtder systemzeit

    [ zuletzt editiert: 12.02.2006 21:25 ]
    Registrierter Benutzer
    12.02.2006 22:21

    Ein paar Fakten über Chuck gefällig ?

    Chuck Norris never cries, because of this when he’s sad he roundhouse kicks himself and it makes him feel better since he knows he is the only one who can survive the roundhouse.

    Chuck Norris frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Just never his own.

    There is no such thing as tornados. Chuck Norris just hates trailer parks.

    Chuck Norris CAN touch MC Hammer.

    Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.

    Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.

    Chuck Norris always has sex on the first date. Always.

    Chuck Norris does not procreate, he breeds.

    A man compared Chuck Norris to Jean-Claud Van Damme once. once.

    Chuck Norris’ sperm is so energetic that when he busts… Well, I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination.

    Chuck Norris doesn’t worry about changing his clock twice a year for daylight savings time. The sun rises and sets when Chuck tells it to.

    According to Einstein's theory of reletivity, chuck norris can actually round house kick you yesterday.

    Chuck norris does not take a bit out of crime, he swallows crime whole and demands seconds.

    "The Incredible Hulk" is the nick name for chuck Norris's package.

    Contrary to popular belief, Superman is not just weak against kryptonite. His other weakness is ckuck norris.

    Chuck norris's favorite colour is cold blood.

    You know sometimes you kinda feel depressed but you don't know why? thats because chuck norris is asleep.

    Chuck Norris infact has a house that is round.

    You lose one year of your total life expectancy everytime you look at the image of Chuck Norris.

    Chuck Norris is the love child of Willie Nelson and a mystical ninja mummy.

    Chuck Norris uses a live rattle snake for a condom.

    Aliens do exist. They're just waiting for Chuck Norris to die before they attack.

    When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

    Chuck Norris once challenged Lance Armstrong in a "Who has more testicles?" contest. Chuck Norris won by 5.

    When Chuck Norris sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes only a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Chuck Norris has not had to pay taxes ever.

    Chuck Norris once walked down the street with a massive erection. There were no survivors.

    Chuck Norris coined the phrase, "I could eat a horse" after he ate every last unicorn in existence.

    Crop circles are Chuck's way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the fuck down.

    Chuck Norris has two speeds: walk and kill.

    When Chuck Norris jumps into a body of water, he doesn't get wet. The water gets Chuck instead.

    Chuck Norris is the only man to ever beat a brick wall in a game of tennis.

    The eternal conundrum: what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object was finally solved when Chuck Norris punched himself in the face.

    Chuck Norris can divide by zero.

    Chuck Norris can set ant's on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.

    Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

    To attain inner peace, Chuck Norris eats Buddhists.

    Chuck Norris played Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun and won. be continued

    In weniger als einer Woche geht es los !
    Registrierter Benutzer
    13.02.2006 17:15

    Freitag Junge

    ich hoffe Chuck Norris kommt
    Registrierter Benutzer
    14.02.2006 16:40

    Hab ich was verpasst, wer zum Geier is Chuck Norris?
    [WTF] Rabe
    Registrierter Benutzer
    14.02.2006 17:09

    "Chuck Norris hat folgende Dinge erfunden: Das halbautomatische Gewehr, Alkohol, Geschlechtsverkehr und Fußball…in DIESER Reihenfolge."
    Registrierter Benutzer
    14.02.2006 18:00

    Omg *Kathi aufer MMM nen Roundhous-Kick verpass*
    [ChGrue] BabyStahl
    Registrierter Benutzer
    14.02.2006 19:15

    Kati hab deine adresse verlegt *schäm*
    [WTF] jay
    Registrierter Benutzer
    14.02.2006 20:17

    Quote OTF][BlackCat:
    Omg *Kathi aufer MMM nen Roundhous-Kick verpass*

    an tritt kien frau
    aber in diesen fall (beleidigung des profeten)
    kann man ja ne ausnahme machen.
    Registrierter Benutzer
    15.02.2006 01:34

    Hrhrhr, wer ist Chuck Norris !

    Ihr wolltet es nicht anders :

    19 More Facts About Chuck Norris

    1. When a tsunami happens, it’s because Chuck Norris has been swimming laps in the ocean.
    2. Chuck Norris poops light sabers.
    3. Chuck Norris clips his toenails with a chain saw. But he holds it backwards.
    4. Chuck Norris likes his coffee like he likes his women: ground up, packed in a burlap sack, and thrown over the back of a donkey.
    5. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because Chuck Norris threw it.
    6. Chuck Norris’s belly button is actually a power outlet.
    7. Camels have a hump because Chuck Norris needed a place to store his kills.
    8. Chuck Norris has a beautiful singing voice. Unfortunately, the sound of it would melt the average human brain.
    9. Chuck Norris has a pet kitten - every night for a snack.
    10. On his birthday, Chuck Norris blows out his candles by blinking.
    11. Outer space exists because it’s afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.
    12. When Chuck Norris vomits, wealthy people scavenge it for food. Too bad for them Chuck Norris never vomits.
    13. If Chuck Norris were a ballet dancer, he’d strangle you gracefully with his tutu. And then himself.
    14. Chuck Norris graduated from school with a degree in Chuck Norris.
    15. Our founding fathers originally decreed a strict separation between Chuck Norris and state. Chuck Norris eliminated them.
    16. The only thing Chuck Norris fears is Chuck Norris.
    17. Chuck Norris uses staples as hair gel.
    18. Chuck Norris doesn’t wash his clothes, he disembowels them.
    19. Even Chuck Norris can’t believe nobody Chuck Norrised this guy a long time ago.

    OK , hier nochmal ein ganz hartes Portrait von ihm .

    [WTF] jay
    Registrierter Benutzer
    15.02.2006 15:58

    habe schon viel englisch chuck sprüche dem igel geschickt zum übersetzen
    der kann doll englisch
    damit der bot bei uns am etwa mehr kann
    Registrierter Benutzer
    15.02.2006 18:32

    kann ich auch so schwer ist das ja nicht
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